Monday, November 2, 2009

Trendiness and Good Causes

Counting this one, I will have written 9 posts, 1 more than the number of posts last year. That was my goal. It has been fulfilled. Unfortunately, most of my thoughts and observations can be summed up in one short line. Facebook status updates can do that, along with the bombardment of projects at school. Shucks Jo, how do you do it. By the way, I think Feminists are hypocrites. I don't know if my friend would agree with me, but that wouldn't change my opinion. Check out her stuff. Here Jo, you get more traffic.
So while walking around campus, I noticed someone wearing one of those "To Write Love on Her Arms" shirts. Don't know what it is? Read a bit here. To sum it up, it's a slogan for an organization that helps people suffering from depression, suicide and such related things. When I first saw the shirt worn by someone I knew, I was curious about it. It was a nicely designed shirt and the slogan stood out because it seemed like poorly written english. Putting it shortly, it was something I would've worn. So I searched the slogan, came across the site, and it was a compelling story. Something worth supporting. The shirt did it's job.

Now I ask you, who wears it cause its trendy, and who wears it cause they know the story behind it? Gosh, I wish the latter outweighs the former. I draw a parallel to the Livestrong rubber bracelets. Remember what that was for? Cancer. I remember the surge of popularity those bracelets had. All of a sudden, rubber bracelets were pretty rad. But really, just like now, who knew what Livestrong was for?

The silly thing is, as my friend points out, people are that shallow to do something cause it's trendy, not really for it's good nature. I implore you, serve your fellow man, not cause it's the "in" thing to do, but because you truly believe someone out there needs help.

Stay safe and take it easy everyone,


petrichor said...

You should blog more,you make good observations.

It's a pity that anything popular is popular because "it's cool" rather than "it has a great, emotional story behind it." People simply don't take the time to consider that what they wear, do, say and such are a reflection of who they are. Everything you do, everything you show yourself to be, is a representation of you, yourself. Anyway, good shit.

Thanks for the shout out btw :P

Curtis Laraque said...

i found out about twloha over the summer when i started listening to bayside, and saw a vid on youtube of them talking about how they support the organization. i watched a couple more videos and was really into the organization and its cause. fast forward about a month to me at warped 09 in nassau; i ended up finding the twloha tent and decided to buy a shirt to support the cause. i say all that to say that i guess because of how i came to buy my shirt, every time i see someone wearing one, i think, "yeah, someone else is supporting the cause!" it never even occurred to me that people would be buying it because it was trendy. it would really blow if that was true. i mean, money is money so the cause is still being supported, but with trendiness goes awareness, and awareness is half the battle (or maybe more).

i guess i just said "i agree" in a really long way. lol